Radiation and Industrial Polymers
With the advancement of industrialisation, pollution is a crucial problem for mankind. In the Green drive, i.e tomake the world pollution-free, radiation technology takes an important position. Nuclear radiation has made itsentry into many chemical processes. ‘Polymerisation’, ‘grafting’ and ‘cur...Read more -
Polymer material mixing extrusion technology and complete equipment
Mixing extrusion process is the only way for polymer materials, especially plastics, to move from products to industrialization. Modern polymer materials are developing towards high-performance polymer structural materials, new polymer functional materials and general polymer materials with low c...Read more -
Development and application of degradable polymer plastics
Development and application of biodegradable polymer plastics, biodegradable plastics is a kind of new type with the function of degradation of polymer materials, in use process, it has to do with the same kind of common plastic with the corresponding health and relevant application performance, ...Read more -
Reaction Extrusion of Thermoplastic Polymer and Twin screw Extruder
Thermoplastic polymer reactive extrusion (hereinafter referred to as reactive extrusion) refers to the screw extrusion equipment for reactor, reactants and necessary for complete reaction initiator, catalyst and other materials under certain reaction conditions through continuous extrusion screw ...Read more -
Measurement for shear viscosity spectrum of polymer melts by using screw extruder capillary
In order to the rheological behavior of polymer melt is accurately characterized in extrusion processing by the screw strong shear action. A set-up and data processing method,which is used for measuring shear viscosity of polymer melts by using screw extruder capillary. Most polymer materials a...Read more -
Polycarbonate Sheet
Polycarbonate is the most impact-resistant clear sheet available today. Virtually unbreakable, it is approximately 250 times stronger than plate glass and thirty times stronger than acrylic of equal thickness. Polycarbonate- sheet provides lasting protection against vandalism, burglary, and natur...Read more